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Genres: Comedy, Drama, Mystery/Suspense, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Western, Historical Fiction, Non-fiction (Biography, Sociology, Self-Help, Psychology, Military, History)



APA Member


Doug Ramsdell is a trained actor based in New York City, with an extensive background in  film, TV, commmercials, and music, as well as more than a decade in book publishing/marketing. His innate curiosity has led him to become comfortable and conversant in numerous specialized fields, including: the art, business, and craft of music; sociology; psychology; medicine (human, veterinary); aviation (civilian and military); US history; horsemanship and the West; audio, video and film production; the art and business of book publishing; and theatre arts. 





Voice Range: 40s, Middle Age, Senior

Accents: American (various regional, including Midwestern, Western, Southern), British RP, Cockney/Estuary, French, German, Irish, Italian, Scottish




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